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Deaths in 2025

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The following notable deaths occurred in 2025. Names are reported under the date of death, in alphabetical order. A typical entry reports information in the following sequence:

  • Name, age, country of citizenship at birth, subsequent nationality (if applicable), what subject was noted for, cause of death (if known), and a reference.


























Previous months


  1. ^ Air strike kills Hamas official in Gaza
  2. ^ Addio a Gianfranco Barra, caratterista per grandi registi: aveva 84 anni (in Italian)
  3. ^ Eminent horticulture scientist Krishna Lal Chadha dies after brief illness
  4. ^ Tragiczna wycieczka mistrza. Nie żyje legenda polskich zapasów (in Polish)
  5. ^ Max Frankel, Top Times Editor Who Led a Newspaper in Transition, Dies at 94 (registration required)
  6. ^ Marcel Glesener est décédé après une courte maladie (in French)
  7. ^ Remembering Mia Love
  8. ^ Bill Mercer dead at age 99
  9. ^ Veteran Journalist Geoff Nyarota Dies
  10. ^ Carnet noir. Jean-Marius Raapoto est décédé des suites d'une longue maladie (in French)
  11. ^ Muere a los 43 años Jesús Santos, segundo teniente de alcaldesa de Alcorcón y portavoz de Ganar Alcorcón (in Spanish)
  12. ^ Former U.S. Attorney Jessica Aber passes away unexpectedly
  13. ^ Former WBA lighweight champion Livingstone Bramble, known for great battles with Ray Mancini, dies at 64
  14. ^ Preminula kardiološkinja Svetlana Broz (in Serbian)
  15. ^ Former Washington House Speaker Frank Chopp dies
  16. ^ Умерла Лариса Голубкина (in Russian)
  17. ^ Murió Iván García Guerra, gloria del teatro dominicano (in Spanish)
  18. ^ Longtime Wine Spectator Napa Bureau Chief James Laube Dies
  19. ^ Умер Александр Машкевич - совладелец ERG и Евразийского банка (in Russian)
  20. ^ Djamel Menad, légende du football algérien, s’éteint à l’âge de 64 ans (in French)
  21. ^ Radio broadcaster Andy Peebles has died at the age of 76
  22. ^ Schauspieler Rolf Schimpf mit 100 Jahren gestorben (in German)
  23. ^ Muere a los 78 años el actor y director de teatro Xavier Serrat (in Spanish)
  24. ^ Paul ‘Wags’ Wagstaff – Paris Angels, Happy Mondays & Black Grape – RIP
  25. ^ Former All Black and coach Alex ‘Grizz’ Wyllie dies
  26. ^ האקדמיה אבלה על מותו של חבר האקדמיה פרופ' שמואל אגמון (in Hebrew)
  27. ^ Usta oyuncu Filiz Akın vefat etti (in Turkish)
  28. ^ Ancien député-maire de Saverne, Émile Blessig est décédé (in French)
  29. ^ Kitty Dukakis, Wife of Former Presidential Nominee Michael Dukakis, Dies at 88
  30. ^ پروانه اعتمادی، نقاش نامدار ایرانی درگذشت (in Persian)
  31. ^ Heavyweight boxing legend George Foreman dies aged 76, says family
  32. ^ Muere con 85 años el italiano Giancarlo Guerrini, campeón olímpico de waterpolo en Roma 1960 (in Italian)
  33. ^ Kentucky Basketball great Vernon Hatton passed away before today's game
  34. ^ Smutná správa: Zomrel známy slovenský herec Štefan Kvietik (in Slovak)
  35. ^ Veteran Actor Rakesh Pandey Dies At 77 Due To Cardiac Arrest
  36. ^ Scomparso Filippo Maria Pandolfi: ex ministro e commissario europeo (in Italian)
  37. ^ Former Aul MLA Debendra Sharma Passes Away
  38. ^ Longhorn legend Kenneth Sims passes away
  39. ^ Farewell to Jonathan Sterne
  40. ^ Mengenang Mantan Bupati Jombang Suyanto yang Tutup Usia, Ini Kata Rekan dan Kerabatnya (in Indonesian)
  41. ^ Larry Tamblyn, Founder of The Standells (‘Dirty Water’), Dies
  42. ^ Artistul poporului Constantin Adam s-a stins din viață (in Romanian)
  43. ^ Banjo legend Eddie Adcock passes
  44. ^ В 57 лет умер гитарист петербургской рок-группы S.P.O.R.T. (in Russian)
  45. ^ Norm Clarke, longtime Las Vegas celebrity columnist, dies at 82
  46. ^ Leanne Cowie, drummer for The Scientists, has died
  47. ^ KU Jayhawks, Royals broadcaster Bob Davis dead at 80, university says
  48. ^ Business leader and sporting hero Pat Dineen passes away, aged 87
  49. ^ Перший прем'єр-міністр України Вітольд Фокін помер у віці 92 років (in Ukrainian)
  50. ^ È morta Afdera Franchetti (in Italian)
  51. ^ Florida man is executed for the killings of an 8-year-old girl and her grandmother
  52. ^ Former F1 boss and TV pundit Jordan dies aged 76
  53. ^ Il aurait pu être conseiller fédéral: Francis Matthey est décédé (in French)
  54. ^ Remembering Ralph Munro, five-term Washington secretary of state and statesman
  55. ^ Long-time Alberton politician, Pat Murphy, has died
  56. ^ Veteran Filmmaker A.T. Raghu Passes Away at 75
  57. ^ Скончался режиссер турецкого сериала Kurtlar Vadisi (in Russian)
  58. ^ Fallece el exluchador puertorriqueño Rico Suave a los 54 años (in Spanish)
  59. ^ В Суздале умер поэт Вадим Жук (in Russian)
  60. ^ JUI leader Hafiz Hussain Ahmed passes away
  61. ^ Fallecimiento del director, guionista y productor Luis Barone (1955-2025) (in Spanish)
  62. ^ George Bell, America's tallest man and former Norfolk deputy, dies at 67
  63. ^ Drama înfiorătoare a unui mare campion al boxului: cum s-a stins din viață Calistrat Cuțov! A fost găsit decedat după o săptămână în propria casă, neavând rude apropiate. Cum vor decurge formalitățile de înmormîntare (in Romanian)
  64. ^ Preminuo čuveni napadač Partizana: Delibašić (44) izgubio borbu sa opakom bolešću (in Serbian)
  65. ^ El fútbol chileno está de luto: Hernán Clavito Godoy muere a los 83 años (in Spanish)
  66. ^ Fallece Carlos González Cepeda, exdelegado del Gobierno y exconseller del PP (in Spanish)
  67. ^ Arizona executes a man who murdered his girlfriend’s ex-husband
  68. ^ Cláudio Lembo, ex-governador de São Paulo, morre aos 90 anos (in Portuguese)
  69. ^ Jack Lilley, ‘Little House on the Prairie’ Stuntman and Actor, Dies at 91
  70. ^ Lutto nell’episcopato (in Italian)
  71. ^ Roundhouse founder Sir Torquil Norman dies aged 91
  72. ^ Publisher Ellen Ringier (73) is dead
  73. ^ 元福島知事の佐藤栄佐久氏が死去 脱原発訴え、汚職事件で有罪判決も (in Japanese)
  74. ^ Former UGC chair Prof Kazi Shahidullah dies
  75. ^ Vasile Simionaș a murit. Fostul fotbalist și antrenor avea 74 de ani (in Romanian)
  76. ^ Muere la fotógrafa Anna Turbau, pionera del fotoperiodismo, a los 76 años (in Spanish)
  77. ^ Former Lincoln State Senator, Mayor Don Wesely Passes Away
  78. ^ L'écrivaine québécoise Denise Boucher s'est éteinte (in French)
  79. ^ Morta Nadia Cassini, simbolo della commedia sexy all'italiana. Di sé diceva: «Ho il sedere più bello del mondo» (in Italian)
  80. ^ Obituary: John Thomas Casteen III passes away at 81
  81. ^ Archbishop emeritus Paul Cremona passes away
  82. ^ Hamas names 4 senior officials killed in wave of IDF strikes on Gaza
  83. ^ Скончался заслуженный артист Армении Ара Дехтрикян (in Russian)
  84. ^ Curaçaose schrijfster Sonia Garmers overleden (in Dutch)
  85. ^ Murió el actor y humorista Antonio Gasalla (in Spanish)
  86. ^ عبدالرحمان حاجی احمدی، از بنیانگذاران پژاک، درگذشت (in Persian)
  87. ^ ‘Voice of Resistance’ – Abu Hamza, Military Spokesperson of Al-Quds Brigades Killed
  88. ^ Louisiana death row inmate Jessie Hoffman executed
  89. ^ In Memory of Kanzi
  90. ^ Hannu Karpo on kuollut (in Finnish)
  91. ^ Умер Бедрос Киркоров (in Russian)
  92. ^ Prof. dr. Jaap Korevaar (in Dutch)
  93. ^ Любимец фанатов и мастер игры. Вспоминаем карьеру внезапно умершего экс-капитана «Автомобилиста» (in Russian)
  94. ^ Morre Wlamir Marques, bicampeão mundial pelo Brasil e lenda do basquete (in Brazilian Portuguese)
  95. ^ Puy-de-Dôme: ancien député, conseiller général, régional et maire, Jean Michel est décédé à l'âge de 76 ans (in French)
  96. ^ Page noire : l’ex-ministre de la Santé Édouard Niankoye Lamah est décédé (in French)
  97. ^ Longtime Gastonia senator and business man has died
  98. ^ Famed theater director Jaroslav Vostrý passes away
  99. ^ Muere Armando Aguirre, el abuelo Benjumea de 'El cor de la ciutat' (in Spanish)
  100. ^ AnNa R. ist tot (in German)
  101. ^ Former Speaker Oscar M. Babauta passes away
  102. ^ Marty Callner, Director of Iconic Music Videos, Concert Specials and Stand-Up Shows, Dies at 78
  103. ^ Courage the Cowardly Dog Head Writer David Steven Cohen Reportedly Dies at 58
  104. ^ Falleció a los 95 años el periodista y narrador César di Candia (in Spanish)
  105. ^ Monique Andréas Esoavelomandroso s’éteint à 80 ans (in French)
  106. ^ Fruupp vocalist, flautist and bassist Peter Farrelly has died, aged 76
  107. ^ The death has occurred of Ger (Gerard) FitzGerald
  108. ^ John Fraser, 1936 – 2025
  109. ^ Derrick Gaffney, Reliable WR for Jets of Late '70s & Early '80s, Dies at 69
  110. ^ Malayalam lyricist Mankombu Gopalakrishnan passes away
  111. ^ The last surviving Battle of Britain Pilot, John 'Paddy' Hemingway DFC, passes away
  112. ^ Salafi Scholar Abu Ishaq Al-Huwaini Passes Away After Health Deterioration
  113. ^ Lee Shau-kee, founder of Henderson and the ‘Fourth Uncle’ to Hongkongers, dies at age 97
  114. ^ Singer Aurelio Martínez Among Six Dead in Lanhsa Plane Crash
  115. ^ Colin McFadyean: 1943–2025
  116. ^ In Memorium Branislava Peruničić 1936–2025. (in Bosnian)
  117. ^ Former Union Minister Debendra Pradhan passes away
  118. ^ Artist Peter Sedgley, founder of Space Studios, dies aged 94
  119. ^ Renowned legal expert Dr P S Rao passes away
  120. ^ 舒圣佑同志逝世 (in Chinese)
  121. ^ Komedian Mat Solar Meninggal Dunia (in Indonesian)
  122. ^ Naseer Soomro, one of world’s tallest men, passes away at 55
  123. ^ Deces în sportul românesc. A murit un fost internațional cu 30 de selecții pentru naționala de rugby (in Romanian)
  124. ^ Décès du militant de la cause nationale et des droits de l’homme Hocine Zahouane (in French)
  125. ^ È morto a 72 anni Fabio Testoni, conosciuto come Dandy Bestia, chitarrista e fondatore degli Skiantos (in Italian)
  126. ^ Doliu în familia "Bătrânei Doamne". S-a stins Gabor Biro (in Romanian)
  127. ^ Darwin L. Booher
  128. ^ Thomas Vincent Chema
  129. ^ L’actrice belge Émilie Dequenne est morte d’un cancer (in French)
  130. ^ Jon Durham 1965–2025
  131. ^ El violento asesinato del cantante de cumbia Paul Flores que llevó al gobierno de Perú a anunciar el estado de emergencia y desplegar tropas (in Spanish)
  132. ^ Tamil cinema actor Bindu Ghosh dies at 76
  133. ^ Скончался народный артист Азербайджана Анвар Гасанов (in Russian)
  134. ^ Dr William Hayes FInstP Hon MRIA
  135. ^ وفاة الفنان اللبناني أنطوان كرباج بعد صراع مع المرض (in Arabic)
  136. ^ Don Kichenbrand (1933-2025)
  137. ^ Při lyžování ve Špindlerově Mlýně tragicky zemřel bývalý hokejista Klouček (in Czech)
  138. ^ Preminuo Milorad Komrakov (in Serbian)
  139. ^ Retired Virginia Supreme Court Justice Lawrence Larkins Koontz, Jr. passes away at 85 years old
  140. ^ RFL pays tribute to Doug Laughton
  141. ^ FC Skopje footballer dies after injuries sustained in fire in Kocani
  142. ^ Former Packers end Bob Long dies
  143. ^ RIP, Greg: Ex-USMNT defender Makowski passes away
  144. ^ Maharana Pratap's Descendant, Royal Family Member Arvind Singh Mewar Dies
  145. ^ Jean Mongrédien (in French)
  146. ^ Rob de Nijs op 82-jarige leeftijd overleden (in Dutch)
  147. ^ Eminent Odia Poet Ramakanta Rath Passes Away at 91
  148. ^ Nota de pesar: Fernando Sátiro (in Brazilian Portuguese)
  149. ^ Lenny Schultz, Wacky Stand-Up Comic, Dies at 91
  150. ^ Samuel R. Sommers
  151. ^ Burt Tansky, Giant in Luxury Retail, Dies at 87
  152. ^ 'Beloved' author Alex Wheatle MBE dies aged 62
  153. ^ Oud senator Dik Wolfson PvdA overleden (in Dutch)
  154. ^ Legendary Singer/Songwriter Jesse Colin Young of the Youngbloods Dies at 83
  155. ^ 元福岡県知事の麻生渡さん死去 85歳 地方分権推進に尽力 (in Japanese)
  156. ^ Doliu în fotbal. S-a stins Anatol Borș (in Romanian)
  157. ^ Celebrated Swiss author Peter Bichsel dies aged 89
  158. ^ Alex Daoud, former Miami Beach mayor marred by bribery conviction, dead at 81
  159. ^ Mort de Bruce Dombolo, ancien braqueur devenu acteur, à l'âge de 39 ans (in French)
  160. ^ Umro istaknuti povjesničar umjetnosti i konzervator Miljenko Domijan (in Croatian)
  161. ^ World champion crew chief Bernie Fedderly, part of Force 'brain trust,' passes away
  162. ^ Saul K. Fenster
  163. ^ DFB trauert um Doris Fitschen (in German)
  164. ^ Vikings Mourn Loss of 1963 NFL Rookie of the Year Paul Flatley
  165. ^ Wings Hauser, Character Actor From ‘Vice Squad,’ ‘The Young and the Restless,’ Dies at 78
  166. ^ Former MP And Kenyan Ambassador Professor Filemona Indire Dies At 95
  167. ^ Mort d’Alain Jaubert, père de “Palettes”, esthète de l’art à la télé (in French)
  168. ^ Veteran Iranian graphic designer, painter Kamran Katouzian passes away
  169. ^ Muere el escritor mexicano Hernán Lara Zavala a los 79 años (in Spanish)
  170. ^ Nita Lowey, Hudson Valley congresswoman for 32 years, has died
  171. ^ Marsh, Malcolm Francis
  172. ^ Jim Murphy, St. Louis’ longest-serving sheriff and a former soccer star, dies at 88
  173. ^ Veteran actress Delia Razon passes away, 93
  174. ^ Rigg Basil
  175. ^ Lashkar-e-Islam founder Muneer Shakir dies from injuries after Peshawar blast
  176. ^ Bliska współpracowniczka Jarosława Kaczyńskiego nie żyje. Prezes PiS potwierdza śmierć Barbary Skrzypek (in Polish)
  177. ^ The passing of Ihsan Al-Turk... Farewell to the "quiet aristocrat"
  178. ^ Sonics legend Slick Watts dies at 73
  179. ^ Maire de La Madeleine pendant trente ans et ancien député, Claude Dhinnin est mort (in French)
  180. ^ Fred Eversley, Light and Space Sculptor Who Left NASA to Pursue Art, Dies at 83
  181. ^ Morto a 62 anni l'attore Pietro Genuardi (in Italian)
  182. ^ Mantan Gubernur Maluku Utara Abdul Ghani Kasuba Meninggal di Usia 73 Tahun (in Indonesian)
  183. ^ Nie żyje Bogusław Gierajewski (in Polish)
  184. ^ Kenneth Hall, record-setting Texas high school football star known as 'The Sugar Land Express,' dies
  185. ^ Anti-Russian activist shot dead in Odesa, Ukrainian authorities say
  186. ^ Writer-critic Panchakshari Hiremath passes away
  187. ^ Vo veku 59 rokov zomrel bývalý špičkový cyklista a olympionik Peter Hric (in Slovak)
  188. ^ Legislature marks passing of former southern Alberta MLA Broyce Jacobs
  189. ^ Lothar John gestorben – ein erfülltes Rennfahrerleben (in German)
  190. ^ Lafayette businessman Lloyd ‘Red’ Lerille dies at 88
  191. ^ Golden Horse Awards-winning cinematographer Lin Tsan-ting dies at 94
  192. ^ 中国证监会首任主席刘鸿儒传逝世 享年95岁 (in Chinese)
  193. ^ Deb Mukherjee, Ayan Mukerji’s Father And Veteran Actor, Passes Away At 83
  194. ^ Former Winston-Salem Alderman Virginia K. Newell dies at 107
  195. ^ YouTuber P2istheName Dead at 26
  196. ^ Sassofonista e leader dei Detonazione: il mondo del jazz piange Bruno Romani (in Italian)
  197. ^ Astronom Manfred Schukowski verstorben (in German)
  198. ^ Former US Sen. Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming dies at age 93
  199. ^ Dag Solstad er gået bort (in Danish)
  200. ^ James Leo Breazeale, Jr.
  201. ^ Lil Bahadur Chettri, 93
  202. ^ Sports columnist, author John Feinstein dies at age 69
  203. ^ In Memoriam: Professor Vincent Gillespie (1954 – 2025)
  204. ^ Rep. Raul Grijalva dies at 77
  205. ^ Sofia Gubaidulina, the most important Russian composer, dies at age 93
  206. ^ Mark "Porkchop" Holder
  207. ^ Tragedija: Radiša Ilić izvršio samoubistvo (in Serbian)
  208. ^ Jeffrey Bruce Klein, Scranton native and celebrated investigative journalist, dies at 77
  209. ^ Renowned dalit writer and activist K K Kochu passes away at 76
  210. ^ Morreu Miguel Macedo, ex-ministro da Administração Interna, aos 65 anos (in Portuguese)
  211. ^ Remembering Brigadier Brian McMahon
  212. ^ J.B. Moore, Early Hip-Hop Producer & Former Billboard Staffer, Dies at 81
  213. ^ Die Ostschweiz verliert eine markante Persönlichkeit: Balgacher Unternehmer Edgar Oehler verstorben (in German)
  214. ^ Скончался В.И. Оселедец (in Russian)
  215. ^ È morto Pierluigi Sangalli, disegnatore di Geppo e Braccio di Ferro (in Italian)
  216. ^ David Schmittlein, dean who brought MIT Sloan into its own, dies at 69
  217. ^ Ex-Dhaka University VC AAMS Arefin Siddique passes away
  218. ^ Addio all'attrice Grazia Maria Spina: «Aveva Venezia nel cuore» (in Italian)
  219. ^ Claude Verret est décédé (in French)
  220. ^ Clive Wilmer 1945 - 2025
  221. ^ Singer Yolanda 'Yallunder' Nyembezi dies
  222. ^ Oyuncu Şinasi Yurtsever hayatını kaybetti (in Turkish)
  223. ^ Former India cricketer Syed Abid Ali passes away at 83
  224. ^ Former law minister Khalid Anwer passes away in Karachi
  225. ^ Disparition du clarinettiste et grand pédagogue Michel Arrignon (in French)
  226. ^ В Самаре ушел из жизни почетный гражданин и Герой России Александр Баранов (in Russian)
  227. ^ Thomas S. Cahir
  228. ^ Murió Emilio Cárdenas, un embajador político de acción y agudo analista global (in Spanish)
  229. ^ Mary M. M. Fawcett
  230. ^ Norbert Cyffer (in German)
  231. ^ Syed Manzur Elahi passes away at 83
  232. ^ وزیر اسبق آموزش و پرورش، محمود فرشیدی، درگذشت (in Persian)
  233. ^ Rest In Peace, Steve Fleet
  234. ^ Bathurst 1000 winner and ‘Tru-Blu’ legend John French dies
  235. ^ Romualdez, House mourn passing of Edno Joson
  236. ^ Former Galway footballer Billy Joyce dies aged 75
  237. ^ Klaus Kobusch (in German)
  238. ^ Psykiateren Einar Kringlen (93) er død (in Norwegian)
  239. ^ IRFU Remembers Billy McCombe
  240. ^ Fiona McHugh, founder of Fallon & Byrne, dies at 57
  241. ^ Former Phoenix Suns center Oliver Miller, part of 1993 NBA Finals team, dead at 54
  242. ^ Ron Nessen, Ford’s White House Press Secretary, Dies at 90
  243. ^ Zum Tod von Peggy Parnass (in German)
  244. ^ Felice Picano, acclaimed gay author, has died at 81
  245. ^ Ex-Europarats-Generalsekretär und ÖVP-Politiker Schwimmer tot (in German)
  246. ^ Renowned Azerbaijani ballet master Tamilla Shiraliyeva passes away at 79
  247. ^ Britain's oldest drag queen Maisie Trollette dies aged 91
  248. ^ Farewell to Linda Williams
  249. ^ Nie żyje wybitny polski malarz. Przyjaźnił się z Picassem i Hawkingiem (in Polish)
  250. ^ Πέθανε ο θρυλικός ποδοσφαιριστής του Άρη, Αλέκος Αλεξιάδης (in Greek)
  251. ^ Judy Bethel
  252. ^ Swiss-British author Diccon Bewes dead at 57
  253. ^ Junior Bridgeman dies after suffering medical emergency during event in downtown Louisville
  254. ^ Veteran reggae singer Cocoa Tea has died
  255. ^ Fallece Blanca Castilla de Cortázar, profesora y autora de publicaciones del ICF (in Spanish)
  256. ^ Archbishop Francesco Cuccarese †
  257. ^ Carole D’Andrea, ‘West Side Story’ Actress on Stage and Screen, Dies at 87
  258. ^ Mark S. Dobies
  259. ^ Billie Floyd
  260. ^ Aktor Senior Subarkah Hadisarjana Meninggal Dunia di Usia 66 Tahun (in Indonesian)
  261. ^ Japanese Singer, Actress Ayumi Ishida Dies at 76
  262. ^ 石川一雄さん死去 「狭山事件」で無期懲役、無実を訴え再審請求中 (in Japanese)
  263. ^ 'Power Rangers' Voice Actor Dave Mallow Dead at 76
  264. ^ Former Iowa Rep. Janet Metcalf, a longtime pro-choice Republican, dies at 89
  265. ^ Починал е легендарният български щангист Норайр Нурикян (in Bulgarian)
  266. ^ Murió Horst Paulmann, fundador de Cencosud (in Spanish)
  267. ^ Haïti-Littérature : Décès du grand poète haïtien-canadien, Anthony Phelps (in French)
  268. ^ Bob Rivers, longtime Seattle radio host, dies at 68
  269. ^ Zmarł Witold Tomczak, poseł, europoseł, lekarz (in Polish)
  270. ^ 短距離・走幅跳で活躍した吉川綾子さんが92歳で死去 100mで51年日本新、52年ヘルシンキ五輪出場 (in Japanese)
  271. ^ Ski boot pioneer Sven Coomer dies at 84
  272. ^ Catholic writer of Reagan’s iconic ‘Evil Empire’ speech dies at 77
  273. ^ Former Solomon Islands PM Sir Francis Hilly dies
  274. ^ Stanley R. Jaffe, Oscar-Winning 'Kramer vs. Kramer' Producer, Dies at 84
  275. ^ Preminuo nekadašnji košarkaš Crvene zvezde Ljubomir Katić (in Serbian)
  276. ^ Bishop Jesús Antonio Lerma Nolasco †
  277. ^ Carl Lundström död i flygkrasch (in Swedish)
  278. ^ Thomas V. McComb
  279. ^ Marc Neil-Jones, Vanuatu's media pioneer, passes away
  280. ^ Stedman Pearson: Five Star singer dies aged 60
  281. ^ Baru Dilantik, Bupati Way Kanan Lampung Ali Rahman Meninggal Dunia (in Indonesian)
  282. ^ Former minister Bakrabailu Subbaiah Shetty passes away
  283. ^ Le détenu Alfredo Stranieri, surnommé le «tueur aux petites annonces», est mort (in French)
  284. ^ John Taffin
  285. ^ Wheeler (subscription required)
  286. ^ Singer Choi Whee-sung, known as Wheesung, found dead at 43 years old
  287. ^ Andy Wolfe, Cal's First Great Basketball Player, Dies at 99
  288. ^ Former Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Craig Wolfley dies at 66
  289. ^ Bishop George Edward Battle Jr., long-serving AME Zion Church leader, dies at 77
  290. ^ Eileen Bennett, actress who starred with George Formby on screen and lit up the West End in the war
  291. ^ Ein markant skikkelse er gått bort (in Nynorsk)
  292. ^ Longtime USOPC security chief Buendorf dies
  293. ^ Simon Fisher-Becker dies aged 63
  294. ^ Alexander Forger
  295. ^ Умерла актриса Татьяна Говорова: причина смерти, фильмы, брак с Павловым (in Russian)
  296. ^ Ve věku 83 let zemřela harfenistka České filharmonie Renata Kodadová (in Czech)
  297. ^ "Drombuschs" star Hans Peter Korff is dead
  298. ^ Помер відомий львівський художник-кераміст Тарас Левків (in Ukrainian)
  299. ^ Dundee boxing legend Dick McTaggart dies aged 89
  300. ^ Gymnastics:Japan's 6-time Olympic gold medalist Akinori Nakayama dies at 82
  301. ^ Renowned classical musician Garimella Balakrishna Prasad passes away
  302. ^ Muere Yolanda Ramírez, leyenda del tenis mexicano que ganó un Roland Garros (in Spanish)
  303. ^ Kabar Duka, Mantan Gelandang Timnas Indonesia Junaidi Abdillah Meninggal Dunia (in Indonesian)
  304. ^ В Москве простились с генералом Андросовым П.В. (in Russian)
  305. ^ Former US Ambassador to Japan Michael Armacost dies at 87
  306. ^ Bill Ashton OBE (1936-2025) – A Tribute
  307. ^ Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi, O.P. †
  308. ^ Тяжелая потеря для чеченской науки (in Russian)
  309. ^ Mgr. Ronald Philippe Bär o.s.b. overleden (in Dutch)
  310. ^ Renowned gynaecologist TA Chowdhury dies at 87
  311. ^ Simonne Creyf (in French)
  312. ^ Songwriter and Producer Beau Dozier Passes Away at 45
  313. ^ South African playwright and theatre legend Athol Fugard dies aged 92
  314. ^ Australian Violinist Donald Hazelwood, has Died at 95
  315. ^ Lyricist Harbans Singh Jandu passes away
  316. ^ Mark Klein, AT&T Whistleblower Who Exposed NSA’s Mass Surveillance, Dies at 79
  317. ^ Legendary journalist KW Lee dead at the age of 96
  318. ^ Alvin Matthews
  319. ^ Muere Isabel Miranda de Wallace, activista y fundadora de Alto al Secuestro (in Spanish)
  320. ^ Elhunyt Monostori Attila Eb-ezüstérmes vízilabdázó (in Hungarian)
  321. ^ Giles Paxman, unflappable ambassador to Mexico and Spain, and brother of Jeremy Paxman
  322. ^ Former Supreme Court judge V. Ramaswami dead
  323. ^ Moroccan Iconic Artist Naima Samih Dies at 71
  324. ^ הקים את תנועת התשובה: הגאון רבי נתן נטע שילר זצ"ל ר"י אור שמח (in Hebrew)
  325. ^ Brian Waites (1940-2025)
  326. ^ Sportul românesc este în doliu! A murit Ella Constantinescu Zeller, la 91 de ani (in Romanian)
  327. ^ Carnet noir : Le professeur Akpovi Akoègninou n'est plus (in French)
  328. ^ Niger: l'ancien ministre Oumarou Malam Alma est décédé (in French)
  329. ^ Robert G. "Bob" Bender
  330. ^ Kansas City musician Danny Cox, a man of 'unwavering strength and passion,' has died at 82
  331. ^ Kevin Drum, R.I.P.
  332. ^ Richard Fortey obituary
  333. ^ Luís Carlos Galter, ex-zagueiro e ídolo do Corinthians, morre aos 77 anos (in Portuguese)
  334. ^ Joan Dye Gussow, Piermont resident, pioneer in the local food movement, dies at 96
  335. ^ Edward Francis Harrington
  336. ^ Actrice Bruni Heinke, Helen Helmink uit GTST, overleden op 84-jarige leeftijd (in Dutch)
  337. ^ MOFA condoles passing of Dr Riffat Hussain
  338. ^ Doliu în fotbalul românesc! Fostul jucător Răzvan Ionilă a murit la doar 43 de ani (in Romanian)
  339. ^ Stephen Jessel obituary
  340. ^ Armand LaMontagne, gifted sculptor, dies at 87
  341. ^ Dr Doyin Okupe Is Dead
  342. ^ На війні з рф загинув вихованець дніпропетровського футболу Олексій Шубін (in Ukrainian)
  343. ^ Double murderer is first US inmate executed by firing squad in 15 years
  344. ^ Norris Thomas
  345. ^ Wally Ursuliak
  346. ^ Востоков Сергей Владимирович (13 апреля 1945 - 7 марта 2025) (in Russian)
  347. ^ Death reported of the former Archbishop of Melanesia
  348. ^ D'Wayne Wiggins of Tony! Toni! Toné! dies after battle with cancer
  349. ^ Former AAA wrestler Australian Suicide passes away at 32
  350. ^ Mike Battle, USC All-American and National Champion, Dies
  351. ^ Belbin announce the passing of Dr. Meredith Belbin, legendary pioneer of team role theory
  352. ^ Der letzte Schweizer Rad-Star der goldenen 50er-Jahre ist tot (in German)
  353. ^ Zomrel bývalý politik Smeru Dušan Čaplovič (in Slovak)
  354. ^ Dick Cherry remembered as 'true gentleman and an inspiration'
  355. ^ Rouleur malin, il avait marqué le cyclisme des années 1960 : Henri Duez est mort (in French)
  356. ^ Professor Emeritus Lee Grodzins, pioneer in nuclear physics, dies at 98
  357. ^ Founding The Damned Guitarist Brian James Dead At 70
  358. ^ Wartawan Senior Pendiri Majalah Tempo, Fikri Jufri, Meninggal Dunia (in Indonesian)
  359. ^ Zmarł Krzysztof Kononowicz w wieku 62 lat (in Polish)
  360. ^ Fallece Domingo Massaro, ex seleccionado chileno de fútbol y destacado árbitro internacional (in Spanish)
  361. ^ Daniel Pearl, fundador do Blog da Dilma, morre aos 65 anos (in Brazilian Portuguese)
  362. ^ Tod eines deutschen Lauf-Mythos (in German)
  363. ^ Celebrated Arendsvlei and 7de Laan actor Crystal-Donna Roberts, 40, has died
  364. ^ Juoksijasuuruus Olavi Salonen on kuollut (in Finnish)
  365. ^ MLB's Oldest Living Ex-Player, World Series Winner Dies At 100
  366. ^ NYC High Line architect Scofidio dead at 89
  367. ^ Mabel Segun, writer , broadcaster dies at 95
  368. ^ Former naval chief Iftikhar Sirohey passes away
  369. ^ Ray Snowball
  370. ^ Meghalt Sopsits Árpád Balázs Béla-díjas színház- és filmrendező (in Hungarian)
  371. ^ Josef Zíma
  372. ^ Cuban Musician Edesio Alejandro Passes Away in Madrid
  373. ^ David Hasselhoff's Ex-Wife Pamela Bach Dead At 61
  374. ^ Former AAP MLA SK Bagga, Who Defeated Kiran Bedi, Passes Away At 71
  375. ^ Disparition à Vendôme de Jean-Claude Barreau, le curé des loubards (in French)
  376. ^ Eduardo Cruickshank, expresidente del Congreso, murió este miércoles (in Spanish)
  377. ^ Lajm i trishtë, ndahet nga jeta ish-sulmuesi shqiptar (in Albanian)
  378. ^ Ghetto house pioneer DJ Funk dies aged 54
  379. ^ Farewell to Sandra Harding
  380. ^ Ewald Heer
  381. ^ Falleció el mundialista de la selección salvadoreña Norberto «El Pajaro» Huezo (in Spanish)
  382. ^ The figure of Herry Irama, Rhoma Irama's younger brother, died at the age of 68, this is his career journey as a dangdut singer and actor
  383. ^ В Москве перестало биться сердце легендарного якутского политика Зои Корниловой (in Russian)
  384. ^ Linda McKee
  385. ^ È morto Bruno Pizzul, icona del giornalismo sportivo. Addio alla voce che ci ha fatto sognare (in Italian)
  386. ^ Daniel Rovero, former longtime mayor of Putnam and Connecticut state representative, dies at 87
  387. ^ Pavel Staněk * 1927 †︎ 2025
  388. ^ Fred Stolle, Australian tennis legend and beloved friend, dies at 86
  389. ^ Charles Tart
  390. ^ US Rep. and former Houston mayor Sylvester Turner dies at 70
  391. ^ Stampeders Mourn Death Of Terry Wilson
  392. ^ 吉無田春男さん死去 競泳で五輪2大会代表 (in Japanese)
  393. ^ Jazz and R&B great Roy Ayers dies at 84
  394. ^ Obituary: Professor Margaret Brazier
  395. ^ Robert Clark, Mississippi's first Black lawmaker after Civil Rights era, dies at 96
  396. ^ Former LA Phil cellist Stephen Custer has died
  397. ^ Jean-Louis Debré est mort à l'âge de 80 ans (in French)
  398. ^ Friends of Distinction founder, "Grazing In The Grass" singer Harry Elston dies at 86
  399. ^ Peter Engel, 'Saved by the Bell' Executive Producer, Dies at 88
  400. ^ Ex-All Black and Otago stalwart Dave Gillespie dies, aged 90
  401. ^ Former KGB double agent Oleg Gordievsky dies aged 86
  402. ^ Mantan Bek Timnas Brasil U-20, Semen Padang, dan Barito Putera Cassio de Jesus Meninggal Dunia (in Indonesian)
  403. ^ John "Jack" P. Kibbie
  404. ^ Remembering Joe Nickell, Iconic Skeptic and Investigator
  405. ^ Zmarł Jerzy Pasiński, prezydent Gdańska w latach 1989-1990 (in Polish)
  406. ^ L'ancien directeur de l'opéra de Saint-Etienne, Jean Louis Pichon, a été retrouvé mort à son domicile (in French)
  407. ^ Selwyn Raab, tenacious N.Y. Times reporter who covered the Mob, at 90
  408. ^ Ciclón Ramírez Passes Away At Age 64
  409. ^ Escritor Affonso Romano de Sant'anna morre no Rio (in Portuguese)
  410. ^ Grade 1 Winner, Japanese Sire Roses in May Dies at 25
  411. ^ Mondo della musica in lutto: è morto Mario Trabucco, ex-curatore del 'Cannone' di Paganini (in Italian)
  412. ^ José Valdivielso
  413. ^ Vale: Custom car legend Gene Winfield
  414. ^ Помер Сергій Журавльов. Наші співчуття (in Ukrainian)
  415. ^ Former Yorkshire Television presenter and actress Kathryn Apanowicz dies aged 64
  416. ^ Godfather of inner city ministry': Victory Outreach founder Sonny Arguinzoni Sr. dies at 85
  417. ^ Bevilacqua, Peter Paul
  418. ^ Nie żyje Henryk Bielski (in Polish)
  419. ^ Randolph Brown
  420. ^ Renowned Saskatchewan sculptor Victor Cicansky dies at 90
  421. ^ Dolly Parton's husband, Carl Dean, dead at 82: 'Words can't do justice'
  422. ^ Lincoln Diaz-Balart, who put Cuban embargo into law, dies at 70
  423. ^ Peter Eyre - Obituary
  424. ^ Walter Fahrer : disparition d'un gentleman... (in French)
  425. ^ Dne 3. března 2025 zemřel prof. PhDr. Dan Gawrecki, CSc., dlouholetý pracovník a vedoucí Ústavu historických věd. (in Czech)
  426. ^ Eleonora Giorgi è morta, aveva 71 anni: era malata da tempo. Dalle commedie anni Ottanta al racconto del tumore (in Italian)
  427. ^ American-Israeli diplomat Dr. Dore Gold passed away at 71
  428. ^ Herb Greene, Renowned Rock Photographer Who Shot San Francisco Greats, Dies
  429. ^ Y canwr Geraint Jarman wedi marw yn 74 oed (in Welsh)
  430. ^ L'auteur de polars ancrés en Franche-Comté, Sébastien Lepetit, est décédé (in French)
  431. ^ Hörde Palmeskotten – nu är "Chevamannen" död (in Swedish)
  432. ^ Bordeaux : disparition de Jean-Marie Londeix, saxophoniste de renommée internationale (in French)
  433. ^ Former Head of Matica Slovenska Jozef Markus Dies Aged 80
  434. ^ Carol McNicoll, potter behind playful 1970s works like Three-Spouted Teapot and Unravelling Vase
  435. ^ Mr John Roberts McTavish
  436. ^ Craig Richard Nelson
  437. ^ Jeffrey Runnings of For Against has passed away at 61
  438. ^ Cracker and Silos Bassist Bob Rupe Has Passed Away: Worked with Gutterball, Sparklehorse, & More
  439. ^ Former MP Antoine Saad has passed away
  440. ^ Former Haryana minister and BJP leader Satpal Sangwan passes away at 77
  441. ^ Francis Saucier
  442. ^ Legendary Mumbai Spinner Padmakar Shivalkar Passes Away
  443. ^ A murit atleta Felicia Țilea, vicecampioană mondială la aruncarea suliței! (in Romanian)
  444. ^ Professor Woo Chai-wei, founding president of HKUST, passes away at 87
  445. ^ Usta müzisyen Edip Akbayram 75 yaşında hayatını kaybetti (in Turkish)
  446. ^ Former All My Children Executive Producer Dies At 83
  447. ^ Presentatrice Dieuwertje Blok (67) overleden (in Dutch)
  448. ^ Obituary | Dennis Bond
  449. ^ Gerard Bourgoin, leading figure of French soccer, has died at 85
  450. ^ Marc Anthony Boutte
  451. ^ Burdett, Colin James
  452. ^ Obituary: Former Reform and Conservative MP John Cummins was an activist, teacher and fisher
  453. ^ Ray De Gruchy
  454. ^ Flo Fox, Photographer Who Overcame Blindness and Paralysis, Dies at 79
  455. ^ Roger Vincent Gyles
  456. ^ Le chanteur Herbert Léonard est mort (in French)
  457. ^ George Lowe Dies: Space Ghost Voice Actor Was 67
  458. ^ Frank Maher, Acclaimed Newfoundland Accordionist, Passes Away
  459. ^ Kee Malesky, NPR's research librarian for more than 20 years, has died at 74
  460. ^ Muere Juan Margallo a los 84 años, referente del teatro independiente en España (in Spanish)
  461. ^ A los 90 años, murió la historiadora Marysa Navarro-Aranguren (in Spanish)
  462. ^ Russian Olympic Champion Turned Lawmaker Dead After Falling From Window
  463. ^ Architect Bruno Dias Souza: A Mentee's Memoir
  464. ^ Zum Tode von Prof. Dr. Bernhard Vogel (in German)
  465. ^ Wall Financial Corporation Celebrates the Life and Legacy of Founder Peter Wall
  466. ^ Fallece la alcaldesa de Lugo tras el infarto que sufrió este viernes antes del pregón de Carnaval (in Spanish)
  467. ^ გარდაიცვალა რეჟისორი და მსახიობი ნუგზარ ბაგრატიონ-გრუზინსკი (in Georgian)
  468. ^ Ghanaian businessman Alhaji Asoma Banda dies
  469. ^ Veteran actress Susantha Chandramali passes away
  470. ^ Rosemary Anne Crowley
  471. ^ NDP mourns the passing of Hon. Allan Cruickshank
  472. ^ Bill Dare death: Spitting Image star dies after overseas accident
  473. ^ Merrill George Douglas
  474. ^ NAACP New York President Dr. Hazel Dukes dies at 92
  475. ^ Yr actores Marged Esli wedi marw yn 75 oed (in Welsh)
  476. ^ Prince Frederik of Luxembourg dies from rare disease
  477. ^ Vernice "Bunky" Green
  478. ^ Elvi Hale obituary: actress who brought nuance to wife of Henry VIII (subscription required)
  479. ^ Spanish footballer Hidalgo dies of cancer aged 32
  480. ^ Poet, writer and broadcaster Pat Ingoldsby dies aged 82
  481. ^ Preminuo je Vladimir Krpan (in Croatian)
  482. ^ In memory of the Reverend Dr Robert T Kuhn - '"Well done, my good and faithful servant.
  483. ^ Gay adult film star and TimTales founder Tim Kruger reportedly dies in 'tragic accident' at home
  484. ^ Messina, addio all'ex arbitro Tullio Lanese (in Italian)
  485. ^ S lítostí oznamujeme, že zemřel radní ÚSTR pan Jiří Liška (75) (in Czech)
  486. ^ みのもんたさん死去 80歳 1月中旬に心肺停止し、入院していた (in Japanese)
  487. ^ Joey Molland, Last Member of Classic Badfinger Lineup, Dies at 77
  488. ^ Falleció Miguel Otero, ex senador de la República y fundador de Renovación Nacional (in Spanish)
  489. ^ Le chanteur populaire Paulo F.G. meurt dans un accident de voiture à La Havane (in French)
  490. ^ John Curtis Perry
  491. ^ WWF Italia founder Fulco Pratesi dies at 90
  492. ^ Muere Flor Procuna, actriz de 'Los ricos también lloran' y otras telenovelas de Televisa (in Spanish)
  493. ^ Richard Francis Hughes-Young
  494. ^ Alan William Self
  495. ^ The Corries member and independence campaigner Bill Smith dies
  496. ^ Angie Stone, 'Wish I Didn't Miss You' singer and co-founder of the Sequence, dies at 63
  497. ^ Former Electoral Commission Deputy Chairman Amadu Sulley is dead
  498. ^ Singing Butler painter Jack Vettriano dies aged 73
  499. ^ Muere el escritor catalán Pedro Zarraluki (in Spanish)